Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
Bouwreizen Team Soest
STAM Renault
Molenaarskamer Soest
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Prachtig compliment


Na ons vertrek kregen we van host Ari van Habitat Indonesië een heel mooi bericht. Een groot compliment aan Team soest...

First,  I want to share what I am feeling about this group. Before you came here, Anko told me about this group.  Hard worker, and work really fast.  It was such a warning that I should prepare my self to adjust to this team. 


First day build,  it was such a surprise day for me.  I realized how hard it was to stop your group working.  I was thinking these people are like a machine that never stop working until the time they wanted to stop.  But I was wrong.  I always generalized dutch team such a strong people with the uninterrupted feelings.  On the last day,  it was the most emotional day in my life with the Dutch team.  That was the first time I saw people were crying when they tried to express their feeling.  It was unbelievable. You showed me unexpected scene I never thought before. 


I learned many things from this group.  I have been on this program for more than 3 years with more than 30 groups from many countries, and such I have a capability to classifying and identifying what groups are like. I was wrong.  The way I define people by identifying the country where they are from is not right anymore. People are unique.  We have different thought and ideas to help other people. But the important thing is,  we have a same mission to help other people in needs. 


You worked pretty fast. And everyone looked like they know what kind of job they have to do.  And I realized nothing I can help to work.  That is why I turned my job as a Cola Man to keep me busy. Usually  we never reach on the level we had. On the last day I was staring at the house that I built with the first group. I was thinking,  soon,  home owner will live in the better house, and one step ahead to make their dream come true. 


I am not good at making a good sentence .  But I just want to try to Express what I am feeling.


 To Anko,  thank you for bringing us this beautiful group.  It was such a privilege for me to work with these big hearted people. Thank you for letting me to be a part of your mission. To be someone that get involve to make someone else's life better. 


Jan, you have turned my way to define somebody's character. Thank you for teaching me this precious lesson.  You are a truly big hearted man. 


And Marije,  it was a pleasure to see you finally. Now I know you in a reality, not like a blonde curly hair like I thought before.  Thank you for organizing this group to us. 


From deepest of my heart,  I want to say many thank you to you all for letting me to be a small piece of your life story. 


Terima kasih.


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